Author: Diego Asturias

Diego Asturias is a tech globetrotter, with the mission to effortlessly translate complex tech jargon into engaging content. With a Strayer University degree from Washington DC in Internetworking Tech and certifications from Cisco, McAfee, and WireShark, Diego immediately immersed himself in Latin American ISPs and cybersecurity agencies. Later on, Diego went on to master Wireless Sensor Networks in South Korea, a precursor to IoT. Later he went in depth with the Chinese mega-company, Huawei where he sought his expertise for 4G/LTE networks and cybersecurity from countries in South America and Western Africa. Yearning for more than data centers, Diego embraced journalism, becoming a seasoned tech journalist. Diego has been featured in SiliconANGLE Media, Cloudbric, Pcwdld, Hackernoon, ITT Systems, SecurityGladiators, Rapidseedbox, and more. Today Diego’s goal is more than continuing to create awesome content aside from becoming fluid in Emoji 😛, Diego’s real goal is to become the Oracle of Silicon Valley and predict the next tech trend (before it hits the mainstream)!